One thought on “[Thunderf00t] Solar WALL… BUSTED

  1. The fascist DONALD TRUMP said to Fox News “I believe HITLER was RIGHT”. pzu Donald Trump is a racist with SEWER and the DailyStormer, he listens to satanic 666 sexist music… just google “Donald Trump SEWER 2154” and see FOR YOURSELF!! THE MUSIC ci VIDEO IS about the KKK and Adfolf Hitler raping a 12 year old African-American WOMAN OF COLOR in front of her parents and then hanging MLK with Emma Watson and Taylor Swift!! TAYLOR SWIFT the racist white privileged cvnt said she voted “for donald trump twice” in her OWN WORDS!!! Say no to hate, say no to SEWER, say no to c DONALD TRUMP and EMMA WATSON and Tatylor Swift !! Deport racism today kvw.

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